I’ve been learning how to cold smoke for many decades. I thought it would be hard to understand at first, but it’s not.

Like everything, it’s a process; however, it’s also a craft.

For some reason, people perceive it as really confusing. I hope to explain cold smoking and slightly demystify the subject below.

It’s also not like baking, roasting, or cooking in general. It has nuances and is multifaceted in some regards. These are what make it enjoyable to many for flavor or preservation factors.

With some essential equipment and knowledge, cold smoking can be incredibly satisfying.

I’ve got the how-to, different ways to make the cold smoke, areas to smoke in, and a step-by-step guide below.

Why Cold Smoke Meat

Sausages hanging in a smokehouse, being infused with a rich, smoky flavor.Pin
One of the simple ways I cold smoke is a pellet tube filled with food-grade wood smoking pellets.

Cold smoking is traditionally used for preservation but also another complex angle of flavor. What I learned about cold smoking is that ‘less smoke is better than too much’. Over the decades of making cold-smoked bacon, I’ve reduced the cold smoking hours, with 6-8 hours being proper for me.

I’ve experimented with long 30-50-hour cold-smoked meats and visited/tried Montenegrian-style cold-smoked dry-cured hams, which are 30 days plus of cold smoking. These are very well preserved, though there is a point where the smoke overpowers the meat flavor completely.

Some, like Traditional Cold-Smoked Bacon, are often considered irresistible because of the salt, the sweetness of the meat (or the addition of sweetness), smoke, and fat!

Cold smoking can be about preserving for a longer time since it helps with antimicrobial protection. But it is about flavor. The variations you can get with some woods are crazy.

Compared to oak or pecan, Hickory has completely different smoke flavor profiles

Hot Smoking, whether with direct or indirect heat, is always about cooking the meat to a finished internal temperature.

Cold Smoking is about drying the meat with cool smoke around it for flavor and protection.

Here are reasons why cold smoking has been used for thousands of years, well before the fridge was invented.

Cold smoking is another form of drying meat. Dry meat leads to the preservation of the meat.

  • The cold smoked salt-cured environment is not what unwant bacteria like, so, hence why it preserves meat for a longer period of time
  • As opposed to hot smoking, cold smoking means fully penetrating the meat with smoke (and fully salt-curing the meat). Hot smoking generally means the surface is only smoked.
  • It changes the flavor considerably while also intensifying it. I think this is due to the moisture reduction.
  • Changes the color, often takes on a golden hue color, which I find very appealing
  • The meat becomes quite firm due to the moisture loss during the curing & smoking

Covering many aspects of cold smoking meat and food, I made this video below also.

The non-cured options for cold-smoked foods will be elaborated on another page here. Cold-smoking foods that aren’t cured meat are an excellent way to learn and develop a feel for the craft of cold-smoking food.


Salt without additives is technically the only base ingredient for cold smoking cured meat.


There are 2 aspects to cold smoking, a device to generating the cold smoke and a area/chamber to smoke in.

You have an area like a hooded grill that you could retrofit with a device, I’ll go over many of the options Ive used over the years and what I’ve researched also.

Devices for Cold Smoke

There is a simple approach, where you can use minimalistic materials, like a lump of charcoal or two with some woodchips sprinkled on it.

Through to that smoke generator that has an adjustable air pump to adjust the smoke level being pumped in.

Here is a review of the Smokai I did; it’s a solid, consistent, clean smoker. It’s a cold smoker. It can also boost smoke for a hot smoker or low and slow smoker.

DIY Smoker Options & Designs

Below, it will cover the simplest of smoking devices, which can be used in many smoking chambers, structures, or smokehouses.

Most designs I have seen have two chambers.

  1. An area where wood is smoking & smoldering
  2. food or meat area where meat can be hung or on racks

A pipe or some connection is made so the smoke can travel to the smoking food area. Because the fire/wood is in a different area, this keeps the temperature below the all-important 30°C or 86°F, generally speaking.

I came across one Dutch butcher many years ago. He had a huge metal storage tank with double doors. He would make a large pile of sawdust below the meat and light it with a blow torch. The temperature was always low because it was 6 feet below where the meat was hung, and it was winter.

The devices below can be used inside a smoking area, depending on their dimensions.

Pellet Tube & Maze Style Smoke Devices

You will find these work very similarly to each other. You light one end, and it starts smoking—pretty simple. However, because it isn’t a controlled form of burning, it can be a little hit-and-miss. For example, sometimes I find the pellets stop burning.

Keeping an eye on this method is key. It would help if you also remembered fire needs oxygen, so how you set these devices up needs to consider this factor.

I use a pellet tube on the gas grill to enhance my cooking, such as steaks or eggplant. Alternatively, I leave the gas grill heat off and use the enclosed area to cold-smoke some food.

A pellet tube or maze might not generate enough smoke to fill a smokehouse or larger cabinet. I guess it does depend on the design.

Smoke Generator (Venturi Effect)

This has a significant advantage over many electric smoker accessories or the above maze or tube smokers. It has variable controllers, so you can control how much smoke is generated and how it burns.

Depending on the wood you use, this means you have more control over the cold smoking project.

These can come in a range of sizes. I find they can create a good amount of smoke. I’ve played around pumping smoke into my gas grill BBQ, portable smoker, and kettle BBQ.

Some smoke generators can handle larger chips and chunks of wood, while others are more suited to pellet wood fuels. I’ve tried using the unrecommended wood sizes a few times, but it becomes annoying because you have to relight or clean out the tubes often. If I were you, I would avoid this experimental behavior.

This is a ‘cool’ (cold smoke) invention. I have been using it for many years. My smoke generator came with a drill bit. You can then make a hole and use a nut and thread to mount the smoker in many different locations.

A small air pump uses the venturi effect to pull or suck the smoke from the burning chamber.

The key to smoke generators working effectively is to use good, dry wood that’s right-sized for the device. Some generators prefer chunkier-sized wood, while others prefer some dimensions or pellets.

If your looking for the 'ducks nuts' (that means a very good bit of equipment). A smoke generator can be used as a cold smoker, or adding smoke to indirect cooking which equates to a form of 'low & slow' bbq or making smoked ham and some much more.

The inventor of smoke generators was Smokai, it's a simple device that uses the venturi effect and a variable air pump to control the amount of smoke you are pumping.

I have a range of cold smoking options, and the Smokai is my favorite.



By far the smokai is the most efficient cold smoker I've come across because you have control. 

It also burns very clean, which flavors the food exceptionally well. I've been using smoke generators for over 10 years, and this one is the ducks nuts.

Check out this review I did of the Smokai Smoke Generator here.

Expert Tips

For cure meat to be cold smoked, these are the most important points I can give you from what I have learned:

  • Make sure you have fresh, good, high-quality meat
  • Weighing before curing and working out the finished weight
  • Make use of adequate refrigeration when processing meat
  • Accurately salt cure or salt wet brine the meat
  • Choose wood that won’t be too strong
  • Have a smoke generator or cold smoking device for consistency

Keep Your Cold Smoking out of the Sun – The sun can heat a chamber up, so I always try to find a shady spot to smoke cold on the porch. The sun will swing across the sky, so consider this when positioning your cold smoking session.

Weight Loss with Cold Smoking

It seems to vary between meats, especially fish like trout and salmon. As soon as fish are out of the water, they start losing weight, so the weight loss you want to achieve varies.

Since cold smoking is just another form of drying.

I aim for at least 15% less than before curing for fish. Many commercial smokehouses target 30% weight loss.

For Cold Smoked Bacon (I wrote an article about that here), I aim for at least 25% weight loss. I have generally seen 20-30% in books as a guideline.

When the humidity is high, the cold smoking will take a lot longer, but unless you’re using commercial equipment, weighing the meat is the next best thing to work out how effective and how long the cold smoking should be for.

This book covers all the aspects of cold and hot smoking, so I got the idea to think more about humidity from it.

What Does Cold Smoking Mean?

Cold Smoking preserves and flavors food. It is achieved through airflow and a temperature below 30° C/86°F. Humidity is also vital for cold-smoking meat. If meat is being cold-smoked, it must be fully salt-cured before cold smoking.

What Foods Can be Cold Smoked?

Red Meat, Fish, Poultry, Offal, Vegetables, Spices, Salt, practically any food imaginable.

A pensive chef in a striped apron holding up a grilled rib, seeming to contemplate the quality of his barbecue masterpiece.

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      1. Hi Tom,

        I made a smoke generator out of an old 1 gallon propane tank and use an old CPAP machine as a pump to pipe in the cold smoke into my vertical propane smoker (without gas). The CPAP’s air pressure is much more proficient than a portable aquarium pump. I place the briquettes in a minion method and add the wood chunks. I get at least 8 hours of smoke before I need to add more briquettes and wood chunks. It works really well for cold smoking salmon.

        1. Awesome! DIY invention. Sounds very smokey!
          I don’t generally smoke over 5-6 hours in one session, so a longer cold smoke isn’t needed.

    1. I love your site I built a new smoke house and plan to use a lot of your records thanks Steve B from Missouri. Have you ever cold smoked a chicken?

      1. Heya,
        Nope – but as long as the meat is fresh (chicken seems to develop unwanted bacteria faster than red meats. As part of the charcuterie whole muscle online video course I’m doing, I’, going to be included a cold smoking ebook (currently writing it). Trying to go in-depth as much as possible. I’ll also make the cold smoke ebook available separately, I’ll be emailing out when its done to all emails on this page.


    2. Would it be possible to build a smoker or cold smoker using the exhaust vent from the pellet wood stove in my basement to pump smoke into an enclosed smoker box? any ideas would be greatly appreciated

      1. Definitely! I would think so! Basically, cold smoking is pumping smoke from 1 area to another, or just keeping the smoke under 30C or 86F , but I prefer under about 15C or 40F. Moisture and Airflow helps too!
        I’ve seen cold smokers made from fridges, barrels, any wooden box, beehives, gas grills, kettle grills, pellet smoker grills – really it’s just a chamber with airflow through it! đŸ™‚
        All th ebest,

  1. Hello Tom!

    I,ve made my own Venturi type smoker. For generating a lot of smoke it´s very effective and the smoke is also cold and that is good because I want to cold smoke. However the smoke is thick and white and the food I´ve smoked so far tastes terribly bitter. The Wood I´ve used is Cherry and it makes the food taste great in my hot smoker. What is your experience of Venturi type smokers, can you get them generating any other smoke than thick White? I´ve looked at a lot of clips when people use them and they all seem to make only thick White smoke.

    All the best Patrick.

    1. Nice Patrick! Yeah the theory behind cold smoking is ‘light’ with good airflow and high humidity. So fo me, I always just have a whisper of smoke.
      My venturi smoker has a variable airflow pump (fish tank air pump basically). This allows me to choose the smoke amount!
      I learned many years ago less smoke is better than. Open up the chamber/area more and go slow on that smoke! I’m going to have a cold smoking ebook as part of the online dry cured course coming out in a few months, here that link. Cheers Tom

      1. Thanks Tom! I have smoking chamber with minimal airflow and a lot of smoke from my smoker. So now I have some things to start fixing. Graet tips, looking forward trying them out!

        I´ll look into the course and ebook to, sounds great!

  2. nice article Tom im going to cold smoke a twice smoked ham for xmas my 1st go at cold smoking if i cold smoke cheese or peppers at the same time does it affect the flavor or should they be done separate thanks keith

  3. Hi Tom, a lot ofGood information here. I am planning on getting your book it is sure to help me has just this article long did. I do have a question: I want to cold smoke Loma, I wish for it to hang for approximately 14 days give or take. It will have a dry rub with curing salt and regular salt to create equilibrium. My question is, how many days should I put this in a cold smoker to smoke and then remove it, to finish the drying process in a 70% humid 50 degree Environment inside the house, that will not be smoking? I want to get some good smoke flavoring but I live in Michigan and it’s pretty cold out so I think cold smoking for a few days?? And then hang inside? Not sure if you’ve had any experience with this but you may have with your years of knowledge please share. Thank you the time you took to write extensively to be honest.

    1. I share my cold smoked bacon recipe in the online course, I like 6-8 hours for a lighter smoke. You could try 4-6 hours, let it rest overnight. Of course, it depends on the thickness of the smoke vapor, airflow etc… it just takes experience with this craft! đŸ˜‰ Many of bought the ebook and are happy with the content, Cheers T – Like dry curing, there is much more then just a recipe to follow!

  4. Pingback: How to Make the Best Bacon – (Calculator & Guide) | Eat Cured Meat
  5. Hi, loved the article and the site, congratulations! I’m making homemade pastrami (it’s curing in my fridge right now) and I plan to finish it off in the slow cooker and cold smoke it to add flavor (I live indoors, so I’m using a smoke gun). Should I do it while it’s cooking or only afterwards? Or maybe both?

    1. Hey there, to be honest I haven’t used a smoke gun. I’m using other methods involved with combustion!
      If it was me, using this infusion method – I would be doing it after cooking. Seems the infusion of smoke is lost if done before cooking. After smoking, you should ‘rest’ in a container/bag/cookware overnight. This may enhance the smoke flavor and let it permeate. Cheers Tom

  6. Hello, do you think I can use the same cold smoker for Fish and Meat? Do I risk getting the fish taste or flavors pass onto the meat?

  7. I converted an old fridge into a smoker box and used a water heater with 2 electric plates dropped in it where i place buckets of chips , a 12 foot 6″ galvanized pipe joins the two so I can get smoke at 75f. I’ve made a salt heavy teriyaki brine to soak my moose meat for 12 + hours in an attempt to make moose jerky. My question is since jerky is drying the meat and smoke is just a flavour enhancer / preserver should I try to place a fan in the fridge to promote air movement

    1. If it was me, I would want some airflow also for jerky, some form of acidity can also be used to preserve, like the ‘biltong’, which south Africans are known for. Acidity has a denaturing effect like cooking.
      Also, if it was me thickness of the meat will be a big factor in drying (something like 3 days per inch?), also what salinity the salt brine is of course! hope it works out! Cheers Tom ps. after a 10-20 hr of smoking max, I would be just letting it dry. The hard part of wet brining is knowing that you have fully salt-cured it evening through the meat. More recently I have been injecting meat with equilibrium brine to speed things up (just makes lots of holes!)

  8. Hi Tom

    I still can’t find an answer to my question. I had the pork belly for bacon in salt brine for ten days. That’s my father’s advice. But now, I don’t know how long, how many sessions to keep cold smoking and what are steps between and after smoking. Where and how to dry the bacon? Thank you.

    1. Hey, too many variables, it’s not quite that straightforward, for ‘saturation curing’ 1-2 days per 2 lbs/1kg, it depends on the temperature you’re curing, and also the fat/meat ratio (less water in fat).
      This is the reason why I am producing a video bacon course right now, should be done by xmas I hope.
      I cold smoke for 4-8 hours my house bacon, dry bacon before cold smoking. Also, hope you have exp cold smoking, its quite a few tips. Get my free ebook on cold smoking if you haven’t from the menu.
      All the best,

  9. Like some of the other commenters, I’m curious about doing this in an apartment without a proper smoker. Do you think it would work to cure fish/meat/whatever in a vacuum sealed bag under weights for a week, then pump smoke from a smoke gun into the bag and close it off for a day or so to really infuse the flavors?

    Or is the point to let it smoke + oxidize/dry a bit at the same time?


    1. I think I wrote on smoke guns, the ‘vapor’ doesnt really stick at all to the meat. It’s used in some restaurants as the finally stage. But its really nothing like using ‘real’ smoke. My suggestion, which I have been testing with my new 5 ways to do bacon masterclass – using liquid smoke, buying good stuff means its the condensation from a smoker basically. Putting this on during the curing process is definitely what I would be doing!

  10. You mentioned earlier in the article about humidity with cold smoking. Can you throw a good humidity level to keep if your smoking for like 3 weeks (suho meso). Also is there a low temperature to be aware of? Keep it above freezing? Read something about a dew point once. Thanks

    1. I had to google suho meso! it sounds a lot like pastirma or basturma I’ve made.
      Ideally depending on where in the world you are at nighttime is often when humidity is more like 70% – and better for cold smoking. (basically you want conditions similar to dry curing…)
      I’ve cold smoked from above freezing to about 15C/60F. For longer cold smoking, I guess you could add a humidifier. Remember cold smoking is really just drying the meat with smoke around it!
      3 weeks, is often more like once per day for 3 weeks, not 3 weeks 24 hours from what I’ve learned. Cheers

  11. Thanks for this article! Just discovered your you tube channel as well. I’m new to cold smoking but have made some delicious cold smoked salmon with WSM and a maze smoker, now want to do white meat fish i.e. herring. When I see videos and articles on herring or cod, they indicate after finishing cold smoke, you still have to cook, poach, pan fry? With salmon, I cured 24 hrs, rinsed (soaked actually) then cold smoked 80 F about 18 hrs then chilled, sliced and ate, nobody got sick. Just brined some pollack, rinsed, then smoked 18 hrs, looked great but I did additional hours at 200 F to be safe, now I have jerky. Is there something about salmon that’s unique? Would appreciate any help. All the best, Cheers!

    1. interesting, I haven’t done herrings or smaller oily fish! but i am waiting for the weather to clear up to get some! its been one my list for a long time
      salmon is often salted and dried
      herring, anchovies, etc is often salted, cold smoked and oil preserved (probably a reason for that)
      salt and drying these small fish could make them too intense in flavor! (i have had that with some wild game, like certain ducks or geese)

      If its salt cured properly then it just comes down to drying for preservation, but with salmon gravlax or lox – often its not dried, just consumed inhibited with salt form my exp
      All the best,

    2. pollack is lean, salmon is fat, this will produce diff outcomes too, fattier fish better for smoking!

  12. What about cold smoking in contrys that the whether is between 28c to 38c? Is it dangerous that the meet can go bad? I hard sam guys that did a cold smoking in temperature of 40c. Is it possible?

    1. Hi, Difficult- non-meat – maybe. Meat no way. Fish starts cooking around 30c. I had a guy comment a few years ago that used a fridge. And pump cold air through the fridge. Or if you ordered a plug in controller, you could cycle the fridge on and off to be around 10-15C. With cold smoker pumping smoke in, and some airflow out of fridge also.
      You environment is just not for it. In South Africa, Vinegar and Salt is used to cure/denature meat then dried in heat. Acidity can help alot for preservation. All the best, Tom

  13. Hi. Great article it was a pleasure to read it.
    2 thins I’d like to know please.
    1. What about places that the whether there is 28c up to 38c? Do you recommend not doing cold smoking?
    2. I heard from someone that he cold smoke at 35c and even 45c. Is it dangerous?

  14. We have a field stone smoke house 5 foot wide 8 feet deep 6 foot side wall that i need to reroof it . i was thinkn of using smokey joe smoker once i fix it up we live in Grafton Wi . the old barn is 1882 thinking it has to be around same year

    1. Sounds like a great setup, the traditionalists in Europe like to have adjustable vents in some way. Smokey Joe is like a bullet or drum style from memory.

  15. I use Summer Sausage seasoning with cure. I’ve got a 55 gallon barrel that I build a fire in and I ‘ve got a 4″ pipe in top of the barrel 2 foot long running to the 55 gallon barrel on top for the smoke to go in, and I have a hole for the smoke to come out.in front of top barrel and I smoke it for 6 hours and the top barrel never gets to hot you can put your hand on it. And I set and watch it and make sure it doesn’t stop smoking. Then I let it hang for 3 or 4 weeks til it gets the hardness that I want on the sausage is this safe?

    1. Guess it depends on temp control and curing accuracy. Hygiene, meat quality – freshness and how it was handled. Environmental conditions also.

  16. Tom
    We plan to host a 4H ham project on our farm our smokehouse needed replacing which we plan to do initially we will have 50 participants each trimming and salting a fresh ham we anticipate more participation with this in mind any information with a simple smokehouse design and a Venturi smoker you could pass along would be appreciated. We’re confident this will be an annual event that said without breaking the bank any ideas you may have would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

    1. what style of ham? whats the recipe? – depending on the style is influences all the thoughts I have for you – all the best, Tom