In the modern sense, Charcuterie hasn’t got much to do with raw meat, although sometimes it can look quite raw; it’s probably dried.

Charcuterie is not raw meat; dry-cured charcuterie meat is salt-cured and dried. Other types of charcuterie are cooked, such as ham, rillettes, and pates. Since dry-cured charcuterie is not cooked but dried, it is often confused with being raw. it’s salt-cured and dehydrated slowly and carefully.

Traditional fresh sausages are raw but cooked when eaten, of course – so they are not intended to be served raw.

Type of CharcuterieDefinitionCooking Process
Traditional CharcuterieIncludes dry-cured salami, mousseline, terrines, pates, confit, fresh sausages, offal-based products.Cooked: Terrine, Pate, Confit, Cooked Sausage
Modern CharcuterieUsed as a marketing tool, influenced dry-cured meats.Mainly Dry-Cured Meats like Salami, Salumi
ForcemeatEmulsion of fat and meat, including mousseline, emulsified forcemeat, fresh sausages (article on cooked sausages of the world), country-style forcemeat, gratin forcemeat.Cooked: Mousseline, Emulsified, Fresh Sausages, Country-style, Gratin
BottargaSalt-cured fish roe eggs.Preserved by salting, used as an alternative ingredient.
Hot SmokingSmoking meat over 86°F/30°C.Cooked (meat starts to cook during hot smoking).
Cold SmokingSalted or brined, then dried under 86°F/30°C.Preserved with antibacterial & antifungal properties.
Dry Cured MeatIncludes Salumi (whole muscle dry-cured meat), Salami (minced meat mixed with fat), Cured Meat.Dry-Cured: Salami, Salumi, Cured Meat

As much as we love to put everything in a box. There are a lot of variations in the world of charcuterie nowadays. So it will take some explaining, but I will also try to summarize it before going in-depth about what I know and have researched.

There is now mainly a traditional and modern interpretation of charcuterie, so I will highlight what is cooked, raw, or dried (actually, none is eaten raw in charcuterie).

The quick answer is no charcuterie is raw apart from fresh sausages, which are cooked before being eaten anyway. Many different charcuterie products are also not cooked. So what are they?

The quick answer is that some are dried after salt curing, but it gets a bit more complicated as you explore the world of dry-cured meats, charcuterie, salumi, salami, and meat curing. I will give a definition and some examples below to highlight what is cooked or dried.


When I started looking at cured smoked meats 15 years ago, I was harvesting fish, seafood, and meat from the wild. And figuring out ways of preserving or flavoring it. Mainly through hot smoking or drying out to make biltong or jerky.

Hot smoking fish and making some jerky and biltong were the first attempts, nowadays I love producing dry-cured salami and salumi and all of the above, hence this web site.

There are so many variations in charcuterie now that I will attempt to clarify all the different meanings and explain why none are raw.

Charcuterie Meat Raw and Not

Not all charcuterie is preserved; some things, like pates, are more about using all the parts of an animal. Some of these are neglected for some reason, i.e. the heart or liver. In the modern sense, many Western cultures avoid the nutritious offal from animals due to maybe too many cartoon character depictions of cute animals, opinion based please note.

(Nature is perceived as friendly and accommodating when, in reality, it’s brutally violent in the animal, ocean, and insect kingdoms.

So you have many preserving techniques to slow down the bacteria that spoil meat. Bacteria require water, oxygen, and food. Preserving is used in charcuterie to deprive the bacteria of one or more of these needs. Vinegar / Acidity (think a jar of pickles or gherkins are also another technique)

Charcuterie & Different Methods

Dried or cooked, you won’t see any raw things below, but I will highlight why they aren’t raw as well.

First, a quick definition.

Traditional Charcuterie

(Pronounced: “Shaar-kuut-tar-ree” – U Tube Quick French Speaker saying it here)

The French interpretation includes some aspects of dry-cured salami ( Saucisson sec, for example) – also mousseline, terrines, pates (force meat – more on this below), confit (cooked in fat and stored in fat), fresh sausages or offal-based products.

  • Terrine – chunky pate, often set in gelatine or emulsified meat (more on this below, too) – cooked, not raw
  • Pate – fine paste, often with liver – cooked, not raw
  • Confit – cooked and stored in fat – cooked and preserved in fat
  • Cooked Sausage from raw meat or offal – served cooked

The French have developed many offal and organs to produce delicious aspects of charcuterie.

This one gets a special mention,

Andouillette  – This is one of the more extreme aspects of classic French charcuterie in a fresh offal sausage.

Modern Charcuterie

Charcuterie in the modern context has been used as a marketing tool for many restaurants (using the word to sound fancy, I think) and has really influenced the idea of dry-cured meats, whilst the Italian broad category for charcuterie is salumi, which includes dry-cured salami. (I wrote here about the difference between salami and salumi)

Confused? Hopefully not. Let me explain all these bits and pieces today so you can get your head around it.

The site is all about cured and smoked meat, which nowadays modern interpretation mainly includes these two categories.

‘Cured’ meat is confused by a specific government labeling since cured means it has had some form of preservative added to it. What I make at home predominately is just salt and spices for products like pancetta or bresaola.

Meat curing, in my humble interpretation, is using salt to remove some moisture, which intensifies the flavor but also preserves it – used before refrigeration and the classic ‘dry cured’ meat approach.

  • Salami – minced meat mixed with fat – salt (sometimes good bacterial cultures), spices are mixed – sometimes fermented, sometimes smoked and hung until 35% weight loss has occurred, meaning it has been preserved and reached a safe eating moisture level
  • Salumi – whole muscle classic Italian salt-cured meat ie. prosciutto, Lonza, pancetta. Salted, dried, and hung until 35% weight loss
  • Cured Meat –
  • Process of Drying Meat for Charcuterie

Just remember with this mention of dry curing or meat curing – it’s not just a recipe. It’s a bit of science, some crafting, and environmental balancing, and it is wise to get properly clued up.

For beginners, check out this post I wrote on some easier projects.

In layman’s terms, you can use salt to draw out some moisture, creating an environment inside the meat that is inhospitable to harmful bacteria, allowing it to dry out to the point where it is preserved.

Often, thin slicing is needed, so the salt used to cure the meat is not overpowering. A little salumi goes a long way and should be savored.

Charcuterie – Variations

Before going over the different classifications for charcuterie and an introduction as to why they are different (and giving each a cooked or dried label).

Other Forms of Preparation for Charcuterie

Hot smoking (over 86°F/30°C meat started to cook) and cold smoking (salted or brined then dried under 86°F/30°C).

Cold Smoking (a comprehensive article I wrote on cold smoking) holds specific antibacterial & antifungal properties that we use to ward off pesky insects and provide some helpful aspects to preservation. In essence, Cold smoking is just another form of drying meat with smoke used as an ingredient.

Charcuterie involves many different types of cured meat.

The mighty pig is also not the only type of modern dry-cured charcuterie, bottarga – is a type of salt-cured fish roe eggs.

Link to a great intro to Bottarga @ Great Italian Chefs

Now, in terms of classification, it has been salted to preserve it and intensify flavor, turning it into an alternative to grated Parmigiano-Reggiano for pasta or many other dishes. But it has many interpretations across many countries and cultures (wiki link).

So, I would put bottarga in the charcuterie basket category as well.

Charcuterie & Forcemeat

Forcemeat is an emulsion (blended paste texture) of fat and meat when ground up, and meat turns into a type of paste.

The most straightforward example of this would be mortadella which is a giant emulsified and cooked sausage. Cut wafer-thin and normally encrusted with pistachios in traditional Italian Bologna style.

Forcemeat comes in many varieties depending on the culture, and it’s all been melded together these days.

Mousseline forcemeat has the lightest texture. Made with heavy cream rather than pork fat, it’s typically forced through a sieve to produce a very fine consistency. Mousseline is used to make delicate sausages that are poached au torchon and are great for filling pasta.

Emulsified forcemeat is also very smooth and makes products like bologna, mortadella and frankfurters. Lean, boneless meat and fat are ground together until smooth and emulsified into a soft cake-like batter where flavor and water are added so it can be molded. It’s then filled into casings, like deli meat chubs or frank links, and hot-smoked or cooked.

Fresh Sausages start with a coarser blend of ground meat, fat, water, salt, and seasonings. The meat and fat are ground together and worked by hand or in a mixer with seasonings, salt and ice water to help bind water to the proteins. This mix can be made into patties or filled into casings to make rope and link sausages. All types of sausage can be cooked to order.

Country-style forcemeat has an even coarser texture and traditionally includes pork liver and a garnish of nuts or vegetables. It usually uses a panada binder, such as cubes of bread soaked in egg and milk. This technique is used to make terrines and pĂ¢tĂ©s.

Gratin forcemeat is similar to straight forcemeat except that the primary meat is seared to develop flavor and color before cooling and grinding it. Some forcemeat is made from wholly cooked meats and the gelatinous broth it creates – dishes like head cheese and trotter cakes are good examples.

Forcemeat Provides a Fresh Take on Charcuterie from

I also mention this above because you will notice all these types of charcuterie forcemeat are not raw but cooked in some way.

Do you need to cook salami for charcuterie?

Typically, you do not cook salami before eating it. Most salamis are cured and dried, making them safe to eat as-is. However, always verify packaging and guidelines because some specialty products may differ.

Are Charcuterie Meats Fully Cooked?

Some charcuterie meats—like certain types of ham, turkey, or pĂ¢tĂ©s—are cooked, while others, such as dry-cured salami and dry-cured prosciutto, are not cooked. They are treated through salt curing or drying/smoking. These processes make them safe to consume without further cooking.

Do You Cook Meat in Charcuterie at Any Stage?

Although many charcuterie items are enjoyed as-is, some meats may be partially or fully cooked during production (e.g., smoked or baked hams).
Usually, no additional cooking is required at home, but it depends on the specific product and how it was made since charcuterie has morphed into a broad category in the modern sense.

Feel free to add to the discussion and leave a comment – always monitoring.

A pensive chef in a striped apron holding up a grilled rib, seeming to contemplate the quality of his barbecue masterpiece.

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