Editorial Policies about Eat Cured Meat

Content Quality Promise

Eat Cured Meat is committed to helpful, relevant, and trustworthy content and research. 

Content is reviewed regularly to fulfill this promise.

Blog and Brand objectives

Contact: PR@eatcuredmeat.com

The goal is to provide consistent, thorough, and useful information on all aspects of charcuterie, meat curing, smoke, grilling, and sausage making.

All content writers and authors will adhere to these objects on this site.

Eat Cured Meat Audience

Eat Cured Meat is here to serve an audience interested in meat curing, cured meat, and charcuterie.

The audience is encouraged to share and interact with all aspects of the resource on this site.

The audience is targeted around the passion of interest, which is the food niche.

Writing Guidelines

Articles are not based on length; they are based on depth and logic to provide the most helpful content possible.

Where applicable, images, tables, calculators, videos, and other resources will be used accordingly.

Core Subjects of Eat Cured Meat are:

  • Charcuterie
  • Meat Curing in All Aspects
  • Hot Smoking & Low and Slow Barbecue
  • Cold Smoking Foods
  • Sausage Making
  • All Aspects of Salami Making
  • Grilling
  • Preservation of Foods
  • Harvest Wild Game and What Food Aspects Relate

Accuracy and Accountability

All writing for Eat Cured Meat will be based on experience and expertise in the niche.

No writing subjects shall be researched and written about unless first-hand experience has been accumulated.

Any suggested corrections made to Eat Cured Meat will be assessed from an impartial approach.

If suggestions or alterations need to be made, feel free to contact on this page.

Impartiality and Transparency of All Information

If any sponsored information or products/services are provided to Eat Cured Meat, it will be fully disclosed in the reviews of these products.

Impartiality will be sought before any reviews, they will be honest based on the writer’s expertise.

Submissions of Writing or Information

Unless expertise and passion are provided, a submission to Eat Cured Meat will be rejected.

All information from external sources will be vetted, and management will assess its relevance.