Salt Dry Curing can be done in a Regular Kitchen Fridge
Total Weight of the Meatgrams
250gRed or Pork MeatCalculation Shows 1000 grams initally. USE Less Then approx. 250 grams and semi-lean with some fat good.
5gSea Salt (2% of meat weight)The salt cure
0.625gPink Curing Salt No. 1 (optiona) (0.25% of meat weight)For under 30 day salt dry cring
1. Cut to Size and Cure the Meat
Place Bag in Fridge - for Cure to Take Effect
Hang Meat in Fride to Dry
Check for reaching the target weight
Slice finely and Enjoy
Recipe Video
Recipe Notes
Remember, in the fridge, you don't want to go over about 1-inch thick & 250g to avoid excessive case hardening (tough on the outside).
When curing the meat, I like to use a right-sized mixing bowl. This means you can ensure the salt (and spice) that you have carefully measured out with the equilibrium curing method will be infused.
The best is Vacuum Packed, but Ziplock bags are what I use; it's an easy option (but I kinda prefer containers) -single-use plastic, I feel, is a waste. But it works well (if you can get compostable Ziploc bags, that would work well)
Make sure the cure is inside every crevice or of meat.
Accurate scales of 0.1 decimal place do help a lot with measuring precisely.
Kosher salt / Trapani sea salt is my go-to salt. There are others, and remember, salt does vary considerably in weight, so grinding to a fine powder and weighing accurately is the best practice.