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How to Cure Meat in a Regular Kitchen Fridge

Salt Dry Curing can be done in a Regular Kitchen Fridge

Total Weight of the Meat grams


  • 250 g Red or Pork Meat Calculation Shows 1000 grams initally. USE Less Then approx. 250 grams and semi-lean with some fat good.
  • 5 g Sea Salt (2% of meat weight) The salt cure
  • 0.625 g Pink Curing Salt No. 1 (optiona) (0.25% of meat weight) For under 30 day salt dry cring


  1. 1. Cut to Size and Cure the Meat

    Rectangular Fresh meat being sliced in half on a chopping wooden board
  2. Place Bag in Fridge - for Cure to Take Effect

  3. Hang Meat in Fride to Dry

    Various types of preserved meats hanging inside a refrigerator, exhibiting the process of aging or storage for flavor development.
  4. Check for reaching the target weight

  5. Slice finely and Enjoy

    Salumi Charcuterie Cured Meat

Recipe Video

Recipe Notes

    • Remember, in the fridge, you don't want to go over about 1-inch thick & 250g to avoid excessive case hardening (tough on the outside).

    • When curing the meat, I like to use a right-sized mixing bowl. This means you can ensure the salt (and spice) that you have carefully measured out with the equilibrium curing method will be infused.

    • The best is Vacuum Packed, but Ziplock bags are what I use; it's an easy option (but I kinda prefer containers) -single-use plastic, I feel, is a waste. But it works well (if you can get compostable Ziploc bags, that would work well)

    • Make sure the cure is inside every crevice or of meat.

    • Accurate scales of 0.1 decimal place do help a lot with measuring precisely.

    • Kosher salt / Trapani sea salt is my go-to salt. There are others, and remember, salt does vary considerably in weight, so grinding to a fine powder and weighing accurately is the best practice.